Nnun security council resolution 242 pdf merger

Requests the secretary general to report to the security council on the progress of the efforts of the special representative as soon as possible. Resolution 662 1990 of 9 august 1990 the security council, recalling its resolutions 660 1990 of 2 august 1990 and 661 1990 of 6 august 1990, gravely alarmed by the declaration by iraq of a comprehensive and eternal merger with kuwait. Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every state in the area can live in security. List of united nations security council resolutions 2201. United nations security council resolution 242 part 6 of 7. United nations s res 2359 2017 security council distr. Even before the beginning of the jarring mission the special representative as mentioned in the resolution, the arab states insisted that security council resolution 242 called for a total withdrawal of israeli forces from territories occupied in the sixday war. Much play has been made of the fact that we didnt say. Resolution 242 was approved after the 1967 war 1167 while resolution 338 was approved during the 1973 war 1073.

Unanimously adopting resolution 2342 2017, security. This resolution was a tortuously negotiated compromise between competing proposals. Justice icj in the hague, explains that the principle of acquisition of territory. The united nations security council adopted resolution 242 in 1967 following the sixday war. The security council should do more to make real use of targeted measures, including. United nations security council resolution 1701 is a resolution that was intended to resolve the 2006 lebanon war it was unanimously approved by the united nations security council on 11 august 2006. By examining what was discarded as well as the language that appears, it is possible to discern the security council s intent.

Reaffirming its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 1967. According to the resolution, the ceasefire does not apply to military operations against the islamic state, alqaeda and alnusra front and their associates, and other terrorist groups as designated by the security council. It followed israels takeover of the sinai peninsula and gaza strip from egypt, the golan heights. United nations security council resolution 242 22 november 1967. Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by. General 21 june 2017 resolution 1710311 e 1710311 2359 2017 adopted by the security council at its 7979th meeting, on 21 june 2017 the security council, recalling its resolutions 2295 2016, 2253 2015, and 2227 2015. Emphasizing further that all member states in their acceptance of the charter of the united nations have undertaken a.

United nations security council resolution 242 wikipedia. Johnson said, now, finally, let me turn to the middle eastand to the tumultuous events of the past months. United nations security council resolution 1422 wikipedia. It has become the cornerstone for all stages in the settlement of the arabisrael conflict amongst. United nations security council resolution 1422, adopted unanimously on 12 july 2002, after noting the recent entry into force of the rome statute of the international criminal court, the council granted immunity from prosecution by the international criminal court icc to united nations peacekeeping personnel from countries that were not party to the icc. The resolution became the context and framework for subsequent official arabisraeli negotiations. The united nations security council adopted resolution 242 in 1967 following.

Security council resolution 242 even before the beginning of the jarring mission the special representative as mentioned in the resolution, the arab states insisted that security council resolution 242 called for a total withdrawal of israeli forces from territories occupied in the sixday war. On 8 november 2002, the security council passed resolution 1441 by a unanimous 150 vote. Sres242 1967 of 22 november 1967 question of palestine. Response from the affected parties not long after the united nations security council passed resolution 242, jordan and israel accepted the resolution. United nations s res 1612 2005 security council distr general 26 july 2005 0543959 e 0543959 resolution 1612 2005 adopted by the security council at its 5235th meeting, on 26 july 2005. Resolution 242 1967 the security council, expressing its.

United nations security council resolution 242 sres242 was adopted unanimously by the. After the 1967 six day war, the united nations security council prepared a carefullyworded resolution, introduced by britains lord caradon, to guide the parties. Israels position was that in order to implement 242, the parties would have to meet facetoface and negotiate a peace treaty. On the same day, hezbollah leader hassan nasrallah said that his militia would honor the call for a ceasefire. The security council, expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the middle east. A violation of law and a pathway to disaster howard grief resolution 242, adopted by the united nations security council five and a half months after the outbreak of the sixday war of june 1967, stated the principles for the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the middle east. The preamble refers to the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and. Resolution 242, adopted by the united nations security council five and a half. Jarring mission special representative to middle east appointed under res. United nations security council resolution 1701 wikipedia. In the wake of the june 1967 six day war, united nations security council adopts resolution 242.

Russia, china, france, and arab states such as syria voted in favor, giving resolution 1441 wider support than even the 1990 gulf war resolution while some politicians have argued that the resolution could authorize war under certain circumstances, the representatives in the. The present report gives an account of the activities of the united nations disengagement observer force undof during the period from 10 september to 24 november 2017, pursuant to the mandate contained in security council resolution 350 1974 and extended in subsequent resolutions, most recently resolution 2361 2017. Security council resolution 242 according to its drafters. Unanimously adopting resolution 2342 2017, security council grants oneyear renewal of sanctions on yemen, extends expert panels mandate.

This is a list of united nations security council resolutions 2201 to 2300 adopted between 15 february 2015 and the 26 july 2016. Security council resolution 242 1967 of 22 november 1967 also known as. United nations security council resolution 2401 wikipedia. The security council, having heard the statement of the permanent representative of jordan and other statements made before the council, stressing the urgent need to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the middle east, affirming once more that the fourth geneva convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in time of war of 12 august 1949 1 is applicable to the arab.

Israel had gained a great deal of land in the sixday war. The resolution was sponsored by british ambassador lord caradon and was one of five drafts under consideration. Resolution 242, interpretation and implications cjpme english. Jerusalem international postal service jerusalem center for peace pdf. Untitled esubscription to united nations documents. The lebanese cabinet unanimously approved the resolution on 12 august 2006. The security council, expressing its continuing concern with the grave situation in the middle east, emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every state in the area can live in security. Reaffirms that iran shall without further delay take the steps required by. United nations security council resolution 242 concerning. United nations security council resolution 2401 was unanimously adopted on 24 february 2018.

Foot was the permanent representative of the united kingdom to the united nations, 19641970, and chief drafter of resolution 242. United nations security council resolution 242 of 22 november 1967 continues to rank as a key point of reference for the arabisraeli peace. Security council resolutions 1696 2006 and 1737 2006, mindful of its primary responsibility under the charter of the united nations for the maintenance of international peace and security, acting under article 41 of chapter vii of the charter of the united nations, 1. I have moved the debate about the binding nature of security council resolutions from the article to here for discussion. It calls for a nationwide ceasefire in syria for 30 days. Next previous the importance of resolution 242 is at the centre of all attempts to resolve the conflict today and critically revolves around the words all the and the extent of the withdrawal notwithstanding the passage of a number of weak security council resolutions calling for a ceasefire the first of which took. My government has indicated its acceptance of the security council resolution for the promotion of agreement on the establishment of a just and lasting peace. The israelis supported the resolution because it called on the arab states to accept israels right to live in peace within. United nations security council resolutions 242 and 338 were passed respectively in the aftermaths of the 1967 and 1973 arabisraeli wars resolution 242 reaffirmed in 338 was designed to provide the framework for peace negotiations based on a landforpeace formula and has become the foundation of all subsequent negotiations and peace treaties in the region.

Expressing its continuing concern with the gravt situation in the middle east. United nations security council resolution 1441 wikipedia. Johnson said, now, finally, let me turn to the middle eastand to the. Mar 1969 aug 1970 the israeliegyptian war of attrition. United nations s res 2242 2015 security council distr general october 2015 resolution 2242 2015 1517716 e 1517716 adopted by the security council at its 7533rd meeting, on october 2015 the security council, reaffirming its commitment to the continuing and full implementation, in a. Texts of resolutions 242 and 338 the new york times. Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory. S res 2242 2015 security council distr general october 2015 resolution 2242 2015 adopted by the security council at its 7533rd meeting, on october 2015 the security council, reaffirming its commitment to the continuing and full implementation, in a mutually reinforcing manner, of resolutions 25 2000, 1820 2008, 1888 2009. United nations security council resolution 242 explained. The resolution was sponsored by british ambassador lord caradon and was one of five drafts under consideration the preamble refers to the inadmissibility of the. The central concept in the resolution was an israeli exchange of land won in the.

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